Thursday, May 3, 2012

My story in Herbalife


Well, today I want to share again my story of Herbalife experience, since last time wrote a very short off it..^_^ 

Alright. Firstly, before Herbalife, I am a very positive thinking person, that I always positive in whatever size I am..well, I am not always fat, a.k.a gemuk, or in my version last time; comel..(comel la tu..^_^), I have been thinner, a.k.a kurus before..Thank God that I have the good awareness a.k.a kesedaran yg sungguh-sungguh (ahaks..XD) that I need to do something when my weight is acrossing the ideal weight line..

Well, berfore Herbalife, I thought that weight is never important, yang penting, important..haha..yg penting, I feel very confident, wow!..owh ya, my favorite qoute, "You're beautiful the way you are.." =) hurm, no wonder la sangat comel..XD..

Me as always before..^.^