Thursday, May 3, 2012

My story in Herbalife


Well, today I want to share again my story of Herbalife experience, since last time wrote a very short off it..^_^ 

Alright. Firstly, before Herbalife, I am a very positive thinking person, that I always positive in whatever size I am..well, I am not always fat, a.k.a gemuk, or in my version last time; comel..(comel la tu..^_^), I have been thinner, a.k.a kurus before..Thank God that I have the good awareness a.k.a kesedaran yg sungguh-sungguh (ahaks..XD) that I need to do something when my weight is acrossing the ideal weight line..

Well, berfore Herbalife, I thought that weight is never important, yang penting, important..haha..yg penting, I feel very confident, wow!..owh ya, my favorite qoute, "You're beautiful the way you are.." =) hurm, no wonder la sangat comel..XD..

Me as always before..^.^

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weight Loss Differences Between Men and Women

Weight Loss Differences Between Men and Women

Its always easy when we do something with our partner. Always, its fun to have your partner together to achieve one goal, like losing weight. Nevertheless, when it comes to losing weight, sometimes the results are differ for men and women. I've read this blog, and finally have a pretty much good idea why do women and men gives differ result in losing weight with the same diet. <3<3

Monday, March 5, 2012

FAT and me

Happy Monday...=)

Hari ni, saya sangat bersemangat nak tulis blog. hahaha...Once, saya sangat suka orang gemuk..when I saw fat guy, I'd say, "commmeeyy nyer..." dengan muka yang comel jugak ^_^.. but when I saw a thin guy, I'd like, "kurusss nyaaa...." with dahi berkerut2...crazy huh? yup, me think so too... hahaha.. I dont know why, but all i can think is because they are "tough"!! Well, biasa la tu, masa tu, belum lg tau apa tu tough..=) That time, I dont really care about how I look, gemuk tak kesah, kurus tak kesah, sedang2 tak kesah, semua tak kesah...yang kesah pun parents and of course grandparents saya. Well, as for myself, I have my own mindset..jeng3x..."I am beautiful the way I am..^_^" No wonder la, tak kesah...hihihi...Then, one fine day, when I realize that I want to be beautiful like those girls at the magazine, then, I see myself; then I determine to lose weight... Orang pun cakap; "xpa, ko cantik macam tu...xpayah la diet2", "orang kurus bukannya cantik semua...", "ko memang ngam lagi macam tu...", yang paling best; "you're beautiful the way you are"..huh!! fulamak, memang best larr macam ni...xpayah kurus pun dah cantik..(i think)..Then, my mommy say, "Lose some weight"...(of course dia cakap dalam bahasa lun bawang ^_^)...At that time, she didnt say why, she didnt mention how, but somehow, I think should lose weight. Im not always gemuk, pernah kurus, but almost all the time gemuk...hahahaha...So, come this day when I found my true why must control my weight. I know that saya xkuat makan nasi, tapi, saya kuat makan junk food and fast food.. my fav restaurant pn KFC, no 2, McD, no 3 barulah rumah punya kitchen...

Figure: Makanan kegemaranku dulu2 (Adopted from google =)) wonder la, senang naik berat, susah turun berat..Its all about what we eat...orang cakap; "you are what you eat!" Bagi orang2 yang sama situasi dengan saya, I want to say, "if you're fat, its not your fault!!"...bukan sebab you're beautiful they way you are...sebab, kita sekarang ni susah nak cari makanan yang sihat...orang mesti makan, kalau x makan, x boleh hidup dalam keadaan lapar... But, nowadays, people invent makanan yang sedap2, yang kalau makan sekali rasa nak lagi, then kita pun sentiasa makan, lagipun x mengenyangkan pun makanan2 tu...lama kelamaan, "makan sekali rasa nak lagi" 2 jadi kebiasaan..our fault is because we chose not to care. Once I learn that health is more important that your looks, then, and only then I decide to take control of my wellness. If you're big in size and healthy, good for you, if you're small in size and healthy, good for you. Health is more important than looking good at the outside.Thats why, people who live the healthy lifestyle is more preferable for me than good looking people with unhealthy lifestyle. I found my way to live a healthy lifestyle, and change my fast food. How about you?

Manage your health. GAIN, LOSE, MAINTAIN your weight. Serious people, ASK ME HOW!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Me, myself and I Before and After HERBALIFE

This is a picture of my rummies during my first HOM on November 2011...I had overweight problem, and other bonuses as I'm having that weight. (-.-")

Friday, March 2, 2012

Processed Food Vs Our Health

I already drafting this post in my head many times, because I don't really know what language I want to use for this topic..So, i decided to do it in my "rojak language"...hihi..

Since these few months, I become more aware of my eating habits. I didn't really care last time because I don't really know what my health condition is. I thought I am beautiful the way I am, and I am happy. But, in fact, with my lifestyle and my eating habit, I'm torturing my body...especially those organs that stuffed inside my body. All i care is what on the outside because, its visible..^_^

Ok,enough for the introduction..hahaha..All these years, I am a die-hard-fan of processed food...what is processed food? its food that we eat that processed outside before it get to the kitchen..i think so..hahaha..yup,in fact its almost everything that I've been eating all these years..

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year at KL

Last year, well its only a week ago, ^.^ friend, Ping and me went to KL to celebrate the new year. We spent three days there. well, at least we have fun rather than spending the weekend in the campus. It was the study week but, well since there were no Christmas holiday, we have to do something to have fun. The Christmas season was not as merry as the year before for the Christmas holiday mood is not there for the month, it was just on the Christmas Eve and on the Christmas day itself that we had fun. Have fun by meaning, get off from campus and some real fun with friends and family. 'Fortunately' for us, there were no going-back-home on this Christmas to celebrate the day with our big family. So, holiday in KL is not a bad idea at all for New Year celebration, aye?..^.^